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I absolutely love doing Angel Card Readings for people & helping them to connect with their angels.  As children we all recognize our angels, but often loose touch with them as we grow up.  Angels are always with us and love when we chat with them every day!  Angel cards have been an important part of my life for 5 years now -- I can't imagine my life with out them!  I hope you'll try an Angel Card Reading and experience the comfort and peace of talking to your angels, receiving encouragement and direction.





Angel Card Readings


Using card decks with beautiful pictures of angels & nature scenes, we receive messages & guidance from our guardian angels who look after us from birth.  Angels love to offer comfort, guidance, reassurance, or just a quiet word from a friend.


Try a virtual reading with Zoom --

$25 for 30 minutes.  

Ask about:

           Health                                      Life Purpose

Abundance/Money                  Looking Ahead

 Who Are My Angels                       Romance

 What Your Angels Want You to Know

A Message From Your Angels

 Any questions you have for your angels


Readings by:   Barbara Bernard, certified Angel Card Reader


Book an Angel Card Party at 9th St. Wellness 

All you need is 4 to 8 family/friends and you can book a time convenient for everyone!

 Cost is $20 each for an hour and a half party.


We'll learn how to Bless & clear our card deck and select two or more different card spreads to answer questions.

I’ll provide tips for clearer readings, how to refresh your deck if you don’t seem to be getting clear answers, several different card spreads to use, and provide lots of information on how to interpret your cards!


Angel Cards are especially fun to do with people you are familiar with as you get such good feedback from others and it makes it an even better experience.


Bring your favorite deck if you have one or choose from a selection I bring for people to use that day.  If you don’t yet have a deck this is a great opportunity to check out several decks to see which would suit you best!


An individual reading with Barb after the party is available at $20 for 20 minutes.

call (920) 490-9699 to reserve a time for your party or reading



Angel Card Readings


  Angel Card Reading Class at 9th St. Wellness

Learn how to: clear your card deck; answer a variety of questions with different card spreads; how to interpret what you see; & tips for clearer readings.  We will practice with our cards, so bring your favorite deck, or  some will be available to use if you do not yet have a deck.  This is a great opportunity to view several decks to see which appeal to you most to use for yourself.  

Barb Bernard, certified Angel Card Reader.

To be determined 


Call 920- 490-9699 to register.

Appointments available after class for a reading by Barb --

$20 for 20 minutes



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