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The fancy fingers holds on my home page are called mudras and date from ancient times as a way to instruct people how to help themselves before there was written word.   Master Murai used mudras, fasting & prayer for a week to heal himself of a life-threatening illness when he was still young (25 years old) and went on to live another 50 years.   


I managed my own healing “wonder” by using these mudras daily for a half hour and sometimes more, over the course of a couple summer months.  I had read in the Jin Shin Jyutsu newsletter how the mudras had soothed shoulder aches for an instructor and thought I would give them a try for my aching shoulders.  I love to spend time in my flower gardens and would do the best I could with my limitations of very painful finger joints and shoulders and other muscles that tightened up causing constant pain.  I would come in after gardening and do the mudras to quiet down my painful muscles enough to be able to make dinner for the family.  One day I spotted a big old weed and reached down to twist and pull it out (two worst actions for finger joints) and lo’ and behold, it didn’t hurt!!  My fingers had quietly been clearing out inflammation and stuck energy and no longer hurt! For 25 years my finger joints had been painful and some fingers had become permanently bent in.  They have been pain free since that day several years ago.


I like to do all the mudras to clear out tension and stress that accumulates over the course of a day.  If you find a favorite one that feels particularly good you are welcome to do your favorite alone.  You are the artist and know your body better than anyone else  –  do what makes you happy!


Good to hold when exhaling tension & stress with a nice big breath out.

Helps reenergize our body & increase alertness as we inhale a beautiful fresh breath of air. 

Try holding these two fingers if you are feeling down & out, or "trying" all the time; you'll find

 it's  calming.

Helps if you are feeling worried or irritated over everything and nothing.

Try this one if you have cravings for sweets, mood swings or just feel temperamental.

Great to try if you are out of breath when walking, going up stairs, at high altitudes or if allergies are acting up when you're outside.

Give this one a try also for exhaling tension & stress with a big breath out, especially if your tummy is acting up too.

Increase your sense of well-being with a calming, relaxing breath in.

This information is not a substitute for conventional medical treatment or emergency care.

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