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Harmonizing Attitudes

The easiest and most beloved way to use Jin Shin Jyutsu self-care is simply holding our fingers.


How can this work, you wonder?  Everyone fiddles with their fingers, babies suck their thumbs, sign language and gestures use our fingers, foot or hand reflexology massages the fingers, and countless nerve endings are found in our very sensitive fingers tips. 


Just as much goes on in our fingers on an energetic level as many energetic pathways flow through fingers, plus our vital organs are represented on our fingers, along with the 26 places we rest our fingers to re-harmonize our energy pathways. 


Perhaps most important are the five attitudes we can harmonize by holding fingers --- Worry, Fear, Anger, Sadness, and Try-To (always trying, trying to get everything just right!). 


This is the key  to Jin Shin Jyutsu as most illness starts with tension and stress as our bodies focus on worry, fear , anger, sadness or try-to and we lose connection with joy, happiness, and peace. 


Holding our fingers daily in spare moments at the movies, at a basketball or soccer game, watching T.V, waiting somewhere for an appointment, during a meeting or lecture in class – all offer opportunities to harmonize our attitudes, melt away tension & stress, and keep illness away as our energy pathways are kept clear to nourish our entire body.



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