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Jin Shin Jyutsu®


Is Jin Shin Jyutsu® new?


Jin Shin Jyutsu® is an ancient oriental Art of harmonizing life energy within our body.  Said to predate Buddha and Moses, it was an innate part of man’s wisdom, passed from generation to generation by verbal teachings.  Gradually it began to fade until the true concept was virtually lost.  Jin Shin Jyutsu® was rediscovered in the early 1900’s by Master Jiro Murai, who after using this almost lost art to recover from a life threatening  illness,  dedicated his remaining 50 years to study and further research this art for future generations.   Jin Shin Jyutsu® is now taught around the world by over 20 instructors to many thousands of people.


A close student of Master Murai, Mary Burmeister , brought Jin Shin Jyutsu® as a gift from Japan to America in the 1950’s.  Mary wrote four Self-Care Books which are used to teach lay people the art for use in their home for themselves, family members, friends, and pets. 


How does Jin Shin Jyutsu® work?


Jin Shin Jyutsu® is the art of releasing tensions which are the causes for various symptoms in our body.  We have many energy pathways to feed life into all our cells.  When one or more of these pathways become blocked, this damming effect may lead to discomfort, pain and illness. 


Using only 26 locations on the body to gently touch with our fingers, we can harmonize our energy and stay in the flow of life, in rhythm with the universe, and feel more at peace.  During a session the client lies comfortably are their back fully clothed while the practitioner’s hands are gently placed in specific sequences on your body.  Clients are able to make quicker progress as they leave with simple self-helps which are done in spare moments of time during the day.  This daily reminder to our body ensures any improvement made during a session stays with us and further improvement continues! Through Jin Shin Jyutsu® our awareness is awakened to the knowledge we are endowed with the ability to harmonize and balance ourselves on all levels – physically, mentally and spiritually.


What can Jin Shin Jyutsu® help?


Jin Shin Jyutsu ® helps anything and everything!  Jin Shin Jyutsu® is great for allergies, asthma, back aches, sciatica, stiff and aching joints, fatigue, better sleep, fibromyalgia, recovery from anesthesia, chronic and acute pain, side effects of chemotherapy, strengthens immune system, improves memory and concentration, relieves stress and tension levels, increases mobility, reduces anxiety and depression, aids in recovery from illness, broken bones and surgery.  Jin Shin Jyutsu is a great complement to traditional medicine, helping improve recovery time from surgery, and mediating the effects of chemotherapy, radiation and anesthesia.

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