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See my "Upcoming Classes" page for current classes offered this month & next month.

 To receive monthly updates on classes plus nutrition tips and a healthy gluten free recipe, send your email contact information to me at :

Call or email to schedule a class at your facility.  (920) 468-3181 (not a cell #)


Healthy Living: Learn easy self-helps for a whole body tune-up plus diet tips from a nutritionist for a healthy lifestyle.  Ample time is provided for hands on practice and questions for your health.  Self-helps can be done in spare moments during the day while you watch TV, read, or wait for the kids.


Better Memory:  Stress and age can affect your memory.  In this class we will learn simple self-helps done at your convenience any time of day to improve memory and concentration.  All self-helps are practiced in class so you are comfortable with them at home.


Chronic Pain:  Having lived with chronic muscle and joint pain for decades, Barbara is ideally suited for leading you in Jin Shin Jyutsu “flows” which ease long time stress, tension, disappointments and sadness out of your body to restore you to a life of doing the activities you love and enjoy.


Arthritis & Stiff Joints:  The cause for stiff, aching joints lies in stuck energy which is not able flow along the energy pathways of your body smoothly any longer.  We will study and practice self-helps to allow your energy to flow properly along its paths in your body.  Similar to acupuncture, but without the needles, we need only use our hands and a gentle touch to restore our energy patterns back to harmony and ease pain & stiffness from our body.


Art of Living in Happiness: We will focus on clearing out aches, pains, & unhappiness that comes from old stuck energy channels and opening them up to allow our natural cheer, happiness, good fortune & optimism for beautiful new peaceful days to shine through.  This helps on both mind & body levels.


Sleep Help:  We will discuss many of the things that can affect your sleep and practice Jin Shin Jyutsu flows to help calm and relax you after a stressful day or during times of great change when you need something to help your mind quiet down from spinning in circles.  If you wake up after only a few hours of sleep, you will find these helpful also.


Back Pain:  A gentle touch with Jin Shi Jyutsu self-helps can help reduce back pain and muscle aches.  Self-helps can be adapted to your personal range of movement by Barb, so you can always find something to help.


For Your Pets: Animals are very intuitive and have deeply perceptive abilities. They respond quickly to Jin Shin Jyutsu energy work, and love sharing a special time each day receiving Jin Shin Jyutsu. This shared time helps build a deeper, loving connection with your beautiful animal friends. A valuable healing tool, Jin Shin Jyutsu will help with any health issues your animal friend experiences, lessening healing time, helping with digestive & elimination concerns, arthritis & age related imbalances, stubborn or aggressive behavior, fear, and grief.


Eye projects:  As we age many things can happen with our eyes from macular degeneration to glaucoma, dry eyes or tearing eyes, and cataracts.  Keeping our energy pathways harmonized and flowing properly can help with symptoms and slow the progress of many eye projects.  Just as we need oxygen carried by our blood stream to keep healthy, so do we need properly flowing energy pathways to keep our body healthy.


Shoulders/Arms:  Having worked at jobs with heavy lifting, done many repetitive jobs and hobbies and tackled major gardening projects, Barb can provide tried and true Jin Shin Jyutsu self-helps for a variety of shoulder and arm issues.


Heart Health:  Learn ways to harmonize for a healthy heart, to reduce stress and blood pressure, plus some diets tips from a nutritionist.


Fatigue:  Many things can cause fatigue and this gentle art of Jin Shin Jyutsu can help harmonize whatever is out of “balance” in your body, bringing joy back into your life.


Leg/Ankle/Feet Projects:  Let Jin Shin Jyutsu get you back out there dancing, walking, doing Tai Chi or whatever brings happiness into your life. Great for restless leg, muscle spasms, plantar fasciitis, bunions, and more.  We will practice self-care techniques in class, with time for any questions too.


Boosting Immune System:  Great for keeping colds and flu at bay during the winter, plus helping any autoimmune issues affecting you.  Your energy pathways flowing properly can help with lupus, MS, Raynaud’s, celiac, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, IBS, Hashimoto's Disease, Addison's Disease, Graves' Disease, or any other of the autoimmune issues.


Improving Your Balance: This series of Jin Shin Jyutsu movements addresses balance & dizziness issues which can affect us as we age, as a common occurrence in our life, or during a health crisis. The self-helps we will learn bring balance to our life in other ways too, both our lifestyle & on an emotional level.


Allergies & Sinus: Learn easy tips to help with seasonal allergies, food allergies, and headaches from sinus issues.


Intuition & Synchronicity: The gateway to better health is in getting in touch with what your body is telling you & trusting those feelings.  Jin Shin Jyutsu is a marvelous way to do this.  You'll find life events happening in a fortuitous way as you follow your intuition.


Change & Adaptability: Learn to help our bodies adapt smoothly & easily to the changes life brings us.  Change is constantly occurring -- let's be happy as we enjoy new things!


Living Your True Heart's Path: Jin Shin Jyutsu helps soothe & open our hearts to what gives us joy & nourishes our soul.  Let's be our best "true" self.


Weight Loss Class with Jin Shin Jyutsu for cravings, moods, and motivation.  Includes: recipes, substitutions, metabolism boosters, dealing with cravings – especially sugar cravings, nutrient dense foods, good fats vs bad fats, hormones, thyroid, adrenals, worst fat forming foods, food sensitivities, and Jin Shin Jyutsu for daily support to help cravings, moods, and motivation.  You'll be able to easily make changes in your diet that you can live with permanently!


Self-Help Book 1:  We will explore the principles of Jin Shin Jyutsu and practice easy self-care techniques including finger holds to harmonize attitudes and for chronic/long term issues, three major flow patterns which are the basis for harmonizing the body, three more flow patterns to clear any accumulated daily stress and to help digestion, immune system and back pain, and eight one-step quickie self-helps for a variety of common disharmonies.


Self-Help Book 2:  Learn about the 26 “safety energy locks” or places we hold to restore the flow of energy which may become blocked due to injuries, shock, illness, emotional upsets, or daily stress.  These 26 places are our “friends” to help with aches, pains or whatever troubles us.  Jin Shin Jyutsu brings joy back to your life.  Book 1 is NOT a prerequisite. Each Self-Help Book stands alone.


Self-Help Book 3:  Fun with Fingers and Toes  (Books 1 and 2 are not a perquisite).  Learn how to use fingers and toes to direct energy along its proper harmonious pathways helping to heal aches, pains and emotions in your body.  We will also learn the finger mudras Master Murai used to save himself form a life threatening illness many years ago and which I used to free myself of 25 years of stiff, painful finger joints!

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