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Client Testimonials 

Linda's Story:

After a mega-dose chemo treatment, I had extreme leg and muscle pain for seven days.  It felt like lightning bolts going off in my legs causing them to twitch and jump and when I put weight on my legs to walk it felt like walking on broken glass.  I couldn’t sleep well at night and needed to use a cane to get around the house.  I felt I needed a walker for the next round of chemo treatment.  I contacted Barb about Jin Shin Jyutsu sessions and received a session on the day of my chemo and the next two days.  Barb also showed my husband easy Jin Shin Jyutsu holds that he could do for me daily, taking about half an hour to forty minutes.   Following the second chemo treatment, with Jin Shin Jyutsu, there was no muscle nor bone pain!  I could walk fine!  This was a tremendous relief for me and quite amazing as symptoms usually increase as chemo treatments continue.     Linda


Barb had mentioned how "giving yourself a Big Hug" -- hands tucked in your armpits, works great at reducing your blood pressure if it spikes when you go to the doctor.  I gave it a try this last visit, but only had two minutes available before they took my blood pressure.  Amazingly the top number which is usually 140 was this time only 110!  What a difference! Thank you Jin Shin Jyutsu.    D.H.


I am constantly amazed at the power of this gentle method of therapeutic bodywork.  It has helped me overcome chronic whiplash injuries from two car accidents as well as alleviating pain and stiffness from aging related joint aches.  It also has an overall calming effect which helps me deal with stress.  These are all issues for which the alternative treatment would be prescription meds.  Due to Jin Shin Jyutsu I don’t need pain or tranquilizing drugs – I don’t even take over-the-counter pain relievers.  I’d encourage anyone to try this wonderful treatment.      Pam M.


"Jin Shin Jyutsu (JSJ) came into my life about a year ago when I was very sick with adrenal burnout and other complications due to much family caregiving.  I prayed specifically to find a self-healing art that would make a profound difference in my health.  About two weeks later I saw an ad for an introductory session to JSJ.  I instinctively knew this was my answer.  Since that first session, my partner and I began our JSJ practice by doing finger holding.  With taking classes, it has blossomed into our daily 1 - 1 1/2 hour practice.  I am almost 66, without any daily aches/pains or medical conditions, am not on any prescription nor over-the-counter medications and feel amazing!  I sleep better, have a lot more energy, feel more peaceful and my skin looks very healthy.  The greatest value in JSJ is in caring for yourself and not expecting the medical profession to be responsible for your daily health.  A personal hands-on investment in your own health still pays the best dividends!" 

      Anonymous by request


I was introduced to Jin Shin Jyutsu some seven or eight years ago.  It has slowed down the arthritis and the progression of diabetes.  It has helped calm me down and release tensions --- and the best part is you can do self-help and be almost as effective as a treatment.  I have been with Barb a number of years now and I would highly recommend her.  I am so grateful to have been introduced to this art.                         Nancy F.


I’ve been a single mom for many years, and my two daughters are now in college.  I work a demanding full-time job, another part-time job, and do frequent freelance work, besides.  I own my own home, and have a big, rambunctious puppy and a hyperactive cat to keep me company and make sure I get my daily exercise!

I love everything I do, but there’s just so much of it that I often find myself getting wound up from the stress in ways that lead to tension headaches, insomnia, teeth grinding and other aches and pains.  Jin Shin Jyutsu balances and grounds me in a way that I find both relaxing and energizing, and the self-helps enable me to address various issues and discomforts as they come up.  It’s a great help in coping with my busy lifestyle!               Lynn S.


I was introduced to Jin Shin Jyutsu by Barb about 4 years ago.  It is the most relaxing treatment I’ve ever had.  Jin Shin Jyutsu has helped with back pain, leg pain, sprained ankle, jaw problems from root canal and stiff neck that hadn’t allowed me to turn my head fully for nearly 30 years after a car accident.  Wonderful for your general well-being.  Love the treatments and the homework makes you feel better too.       Carol Y.


More Client Testimonials

About three years ago I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia.  Last January the fibromyalgia acted up and I also experienced severe pain in my hip.  After many trips to the doctor and many tests they decided this was due to a pinched nerve.  Meanwhile the pain was so severe it prevented me from sitting any length of time, from walking, getting into my car, vacuuming, and made it very difficult to watch my grandkids as I usually did.  If I bent down to pick something up, I could not get up without help from someone.  I experienced a lack of energy, couldn’t even raise my right leg up without help and could hardly participate in my Tai Chi class – a very gentle exercise I had enjoyed for many years.  My physician treated me with pain management and shots, but nothing worked!


In May I met Barb at my Tai Chi class and learned she was a Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner.  I started visiting Barb once a week to help manage the pain.  I also tried chiropractic treatments, physical therapy, acupuncture, trigger point therapy, massage, foot baths, and foot reflexology.  Basically anything that might possibly help.  Surprisingly I found the Jin Shin Jyutsu treatments had a more lasting effect than anything else, and I was able to cut way back or even eliminate seeing other therapists.  I also cut back on pain medication until I didn’t need it at all anymore.  This was wonderful as the medications had given me stomach ulcers.


Since finding Jin Shin Jyutsu my life has changed for the better.  I’m off all medications, my hip only gives a little twinge now and then, my stomach ulcers have healed up, I feel more balanced, experience less stress, have a general feeling wellness and find I don’t have to shop just to move around like I used to.  I’m able to enjoy life again, spend time with my grandkids, and I’m very happy to be able to go on my annual trip to Alabama in March.


The difference between Jin Shin Jyutsu and other therapies is being able to do self-treatment.  This means you don’t need an appointment and can work on yourself anytime.  So often when you see other therapists you feel like you slide backwards in between appointments and progress is very slow.  By working on myself progress is so much quicker.  I also am able to share this knowledge with others so they too can improve their lives.          Carol K.


For me, Jin Shin Jyutsu is the perfect marriage of acupuncture and massage.  I had a nasty habit of popping my knuckles, my back, and my neck just about every hour. I tried a chiropractor for an entire year but he wasn’t able to alleviate the discomfort.  I had seen a masseuse and even tried water massages. I finally tried Jin Shin Jyutsu, and after just a short month I barely noticed any of the pressure I had been dealing with in my joints and particularly my neck.  I visit whenever I have pains or discomfort. Most recently I had a case of tendinitis in my wrist and over the course of a week it was fully healed again, thank to Jin Shin Jyutsu.         Matt B.


As a massage therapist specializing in fascial release work, I am always looking for ways to allow my body to find a more natural way to heal and come into balance.  I feel that working with Barb Bernard has been one of those ways.

I would like to share how thru the use of Jin Shin Jyutsu Barb was able to help me thru some big events in my life this past year.   I had my gallbladder removed last March.  Barb used Jin Shin Jyutsu with me shortly after my surgery and the following 2 days.  I did not experience the typical shoulder pain from the procedure, nor have I had any foods that I have not been able to eat.  I feel that the Jin Shin Jyutsu helped to balance out my body and to keep the energy flow thru my organ systems in spite of my gallbladder removal.  I had a remarkably quick recovery and no adverse reaction to anesthesia which I had experienced in a previous surgery.

Barb was also able to be of help to me when I had a major head trauma this past fall.  She worked with Jin Shin Jyutsu flows for trauma and shock.  Again, I feel that Jin Shin Jyutsu was of great value in my healing process, especially since there are so few traditional medical treatments for head injuries.

I recently had my knee scoped and Barb gave my husband Pete some pre-surgery homework to do with me to prepare my body for surgery.  The 3 days after my surgery Barb did some amazing energy balancing for me in regard to my knee and my entire body.  This was so much better than when I had my other knee scoped three months earlier and I experienced a long painful recovery and an adverse reaction to anesthesia.  I feel Barb’s work played a large part in my healing process and I was very grateful to not have to deal with asthma/lung issues from the anesthesia.          


Lynn A, Licensed Massage Therapist

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